You are currently viewing Nick B. Minute Episode 004
Fastest News Podcast

Nick B. Minute Episode 004

Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute Episode 004

Lisa Bloom says women should be worried now that the Johnny Depp Trial verdict is in. What makes her statement all that more ironic is Lisa Bloom represented disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein and now she wants to talk like she cares about women? I know you’ll argue that all people deserve a good defense and this is true but if you are someone who champions women’s rights why would you continue to represent someone who was notorious for abusing those rights? Or am I wrong?

Stranger Things Will is more than likely gay. My question is does it even matter? I mean it’s 2022 who cares if they’re gay, straight, binary, or nonbinary. If it has significance to the storyline then tell us otherwise just tell us the story and let us figure it out. Why are we all concerned with who is or isn’t gay its never made sense to me? It’s either Obvious or it isn’t and if it has to be stated the writers didn’t do a good job of writing. Personally, I don’t care what the sexual orientation of a fictional character is hell I don’t care what it is of a nonfictional character. I miss the days when we didn’t care who you slept with or what you called yourself.