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Nick B. Minute Episode 014

Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute Episode 014

I try to stay away from politics but this is a story that needs to be talked about. Someone tried to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I know he is one of the most hated justices currently and with who appointed him plus his confirmation hearing you can kinda understand. I am not saying that makes it right I am just saying you can see where the disdain can come from. The problem you should see regardless of what party you are attached to is how militant and extreme our politics have become. For over two hundred years our political system has always been one of honor. Sure you have a few instances when it goes extreme but for the most part, our political system doesn’t get violent. It even has gotten where people who support a candidate and exercise their right to do so wear their shirt or hat and are attacked. That’s not what we as Americans do. This is why I stay out of politics because I am old enough to see neither side cares…I digress.

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