You are currently viewing Nick B. Minute Episode 016
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Nick B. Minute Episode 016

Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute Episode 016

Travis Barker has a medical issue going on. According to several media outlets Travis had some sort of medical issue where the paramedics felt he needed to go to the hospital for better care. There is even a picture of him in a stretcher being wheeled to the ambulance with his newlywed wife right beside him. Nothing was reported at the time of making this as to what caused the issue so check back for more.

Billie Eilish spills her guts about the most famous person she’s kissed…but not really. Billie was on The Late, Late Show (in the podcast we left out one late so sue me) with James Corden where she played the British version of James’s segment Spill your Guts or fill your Guts. This is the segment that he does on his show where he asks his celebrity guests personal questions where they can either answer or eat something horrible. Welp Billie is on tour in the UK where James is doing his show and she played the British version known as Spill the Tea. The first question to Billie was who was the most famous person she has kissed and she didn’t answer she ate. Check out the clip below.

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