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Nick B. Minute Episode 018.1

Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute
Nick B. Minute Episode 018.1

Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced for her part in the Epstein trafficking business. The problem with her sentencing is I do not feel it was long enough. She was only sentenced to 20 years behind bars. Granted her time will be different than her life was on the outside but 20 years just doesn’t feel right for everything that she helped happen. I do not understand in this country where the people who are looking and trading kid porn are given hundreds of years (not defending this disgusting act either don’t get it twisted) but the people that actually hurt minors and kids get what equates to a slap on the wrist. Why not make it a basic mandatory 100 years in prison for both child porn and sex with underage people and especially kids. Is that so wrong?

January 6 bombshell. The trial that is trying to find out what really happened on January 6 when several dozen people stormed the Capital interrupting the business of Congress. The trial had a bombshell where one of the people called to testify Cassidy Hutchinson says that former President Trump wanted to lead the protesters to the capitol building. She also said that when former President Trump told this to the secret service they didn’t want to take him and according to her testimony Trump lunged at the agents and tried to grab the wheel of the Presidental limo to drive himself there. First, of have you seen a picture of the Presidential limo and the feet between where the president sits and the steering wheel? I’m not saying it didn’t happen but I definitely have questions.